Friday, March 21, 2008

Thoughts from Joanna

The Lord has blessed me with time off for Spring Break, this whole week and Monday, to come and spend time with Mom and Dad. I have never been medically inclined, as each of my siblings will attest to after seeing me come close to fainting on more than one occasion dealing with something medical. So, I must admit that I was quite apprehensive about what I might have to do here this week. However, the Lord has been gracious to me. I have surprised myself at what I have been able to do this week with Daddy. I have always heard that you can do anything for the ones you love; and I now know that is true.

Besides helping take care of Dad’s needs, I have had the joy of reading to him as he did to me for many years. The book that we are reading was brought to him by a member in Mom and Dad’s church and is entitled A Change in Flight Plan. In this book, Paul Lanier, an anesthesiologist who was diagnosed with ALS at the age of 37 chronicles his journey of living with ALS. Lanier clearly wants to show others how he daily strives to use his “change in flight plan” (i.e. the Lord’s change in the plan for his future) to bring glory to God by revealing Jesus Christ to others through his suffering. What a challenge for us all when we are faced with that inevitable “change in flight plan” for our lives. The author is keenly aware of the fact that his suffering here on earth is temporary and strives to make the “temporary affect the permanent” by leaving a legacy here on earth. He wants others to see what it clearly means to live a life for Christ, no matter what your struggles are. I am talking so much about this book because in reading this book, I can see my daddy in this man. I know that it is quite miserable for Dad at this moment, but I have no doubt that the Lord is “letting the temporary affect the permanent” right now in Dad’s life. What a blessing it has been to read the countless number of cards, emails, and blog comments that constantly remind me of the person that Dad is in Christ and the legacy of a follower of Christ that Daddy daily leaves. I have no doubt that the Lord is using Dad’s illness in mighty ways, just as he is doing in the life of the author of the book I mentioned. What a blessing that is for me to see!

In closing, Mom has told me about the countless number of meals, visits, e-mails, and phone calls that she and Daddy have received. When I come here to visit, I am overwhelmed by the Body of Christ that has come together to minister to my parents at this time. Thank you all. Knowing that there are so many here that care for Mom and Dad makes it easier for me when I can’t be here.


Lora said...

Bobby & I often comment on how God is using your Dad during these difficult days. He & Your Mom are Saints in The Faith and we are seeing that Faith totally played out during this illness. Believers & Non-Believers are watching and seeing the "Love of Christ" shining from them both. Missed visiting with you this week-but can't come until I am totally well! Joanna, they both love you dearly-they absolutely glow when they speak of you. What a blessing to have such Godly and well loved parents.

Deb said...

It is amazing how God can make lemonade out of lemons every time. We don't always see it right away and fruit is not always immediate, but there is no doubt in my mind that the Lord is using this time to hone and refine His children. We are all learning to trust when we don't understand. We are all learning to look through forever eyes and see the glory ahead and disregard the temporal God Bless you and remember we are praying for your Daddy and all of you. We love you all so.