Thursday, February 21, 2008



As I lay here I have lots of time to think. Of course I am aware of things going on around me. The tv is on. Wesley is watching a program about the Presidents. Aaron is on the computer. Rachel, bless her, has spent her days here helping with everything. David is working. And Helen is masterminding the whole.

For those who are interested, I’ll try to describe my status. I have a tracheostomy and am connected to a breathing machine. Without that I would not be here. I also have a tube in my stomach thru which I get feedings three times a day plus occasional Tylenol. I’m in a hospital bed and Helen can raise and lower my head and feet. I am not able to turn my head, or turn in the bed. I use my fingers to move my arms. I can move my left leg none, and only minimal with my right.

This is different from when Judy and Dick were here a few weeks ago. Then Dick could lift me out of bed and into a wheelchair . I could do without oxygen for five or ten minutes - long enough for him to wheel me downstairs and be transferred into a recliner in the family room. I could eat. I had control over my body functions.`

You wonder why I’m so graphic about my status. I thought it would help you to know . It gives me ample time to look forward to meeting God.. Happy day. Moses will reach down and grab one hand while Abraham takes the other. As they raise me up I see the face of God. No matter which way I turn, He is right in front of me. My body glows, and so do all the others around me. I easily recognize many; Dad, Mom, Rev Teed, etc. Wow, what a place. And each day the fun is just as great and maybe greater. My singing voice is great. Wow. Hope to see you there one day.



Lora said...

OH Dale! Tears for my sadness and tears of happiness for the assurance of Eternity! You, Dear Friend, are a Glowing Reflection right here on Earth of our Father's Love.

RevB said...

from Beth Love Tu'uta:
Dr. Boersma,
Dad has been keeping me updated on your condition, and ever since he sent me the link to your blog, I've been checking on you everyday. I wonder if you have an e-mail where I can send you a note. If so, please send your e-mail address to... My family and I are loving and praying for you and yours.

Jenny Watts said...

Dear Dr. Dale,
Thank you for your BEAUTIFUL words that filled my heart with bittersweet joy! How could we all not get excited about heaven after reading your post today! Thank you for your never-failing witness! Love to you and Mrs. Helen - Jenny

P.S.Samuel want to know what Mrs. Helen's favorite color is?!!:)

Ambrose said...

I'm proud to be your little brother, Dale. These are difficult times but you're showing me a new definition of courage and inner peace. I know where it flows from, and I'm so grateful for your faith, your positive attitude about all, and your wonderful family. Love you.

Jenny Watts said...

Your comments remind me of the comments of a fellow saint, Charles Haddon Spurgeon, who, on his deathbed, said to a Friend, "My theology now is found in four little words: 'JESUS died for ME.' I don't say this is all I would preach if I were to be raised up again, but it is more than enough for me to die upon." - Dennis

Lisa Barr said...

Dr. Dale,
You are an inspiration to me. Every now and then I need a little break from income taxes and I check your blog. Thanks for the inspiration. You and your family are very special to me.
Chris Barr

BoersmasinMalawi said...

What great words. I am printing your blog out to read to the kids in the morning. I love you.

Deb said...

Not all Christians face death with such grace and bravery you are demonstrating. You are and always have been an example for me. I have looked to you and seen how to live a Christian to treat others, how to live out my faith in Jesus Christ with honesty and integrity, (and also with humor :-), but now you are showing me how a Christian dies properly. Thank you for being that example I need. The Lord placed Jim, Josh and I on Dogwood and I am seeing His loving hand in that placement. You took good care of me and my family for nearly 20 years....and you continue to exhort. Thank-you. I love you, Doctor Dale and look forward to spending more time with you here and in eternity. In eternity you will be whole and we can hear your beautiful tenor voice once again and we can play balderdash!!

Nancy Mc said...

Dr. B and Helen,
I was thinking about you and praying for you.
Nancy Mc (McDonald)

Shaun and Melinda McIntire said...

Dr. Dale,
Jean Kelly and I chatted on the phone today and she gave me this blog sight. I am so glad that she did!!! Your words brought tears to my eyes and a thrill in my heart that yes one day we will see our Lord Jesus face to face.That is our hope. We love you and we are praying for you. Wink at your sweet wife for us.
Melinda for all.

Dr. Dale Boersma said...

Dear brother in Christ,
My eyes fill with tears as I read your last blog. Everything you say about being with the Lord is so true. I think often of Jim who can see clearly the beauty of God's presence and his people gathered before him. He'll be singing in his beautiful tenor voice too and enjoying the music he loved so much. You will see each other and worship together. No more pain, no more suffering. We weep now because you have to endure so much, but your life is such a blessing to us. My mind is filled with beautiful pictures of you as you ministered to us, of the fun we've had together, of "strigel".
I thank you with all my heart for being you and the great blessing you have brought and are bringing to me yet
I love you both.

RevB said...

Dear Doc Boersma,
My son, Poni, and I were checking your blog for updates, and Poni said, "We're entering the backscratching contest, for SURE!" We hope to see y'all this weekend!
loving and praying for you,
Beth Love Tu'uta

mahmoud said...

Hi Dr. Boersma,

I don't know if you remember me, but I was one of your patients a long time ago. I had a severe case of poison ivy and was embarrassed about it, and the first thing you did was actually touch the poison ivy without gloves to show me that I'm not some kind of freak. I'm not a Christian but I admire your bravery and perseverance through hardship, and i ask Allah to make things easy on you