Tuesday, February 5, 2008

He is just a-tapping now

Hey there!

We are not sure what has happened with this blog so we'll give it another go and try again.

Dr. Dale is settling in to his daily routine of trach care, meals, breathing treatments, etc. I think we all are. We are becoming more comfortable every day.

Dr. Dale is getting quite good at the pointing of letters, the spelling of words. We are getting good at reading lips but sometimes we just don't quite it. David asked Doctor what was the one thing if he could do, what did he want to do. Dr. Dale said "type of my computer". The challenge was on!

The first attempt to make the laptop accessible for Dr. Dale did not work out too well. We soon figured out we needed a wireless keyboard. Off to purchase the keyboard we went. We got the keyboard hooked up and the lap top within eye sight. We put Dr's glasses on and off we went....lot of adjusting, pillow propping, pencil, pointers, dowl rods, grips....well we finally achieved success. Dr. was able to type on his computer.

Dr. has been compiling stories for his grandchildren. He was obviously in the middle of composing one of these. David found that story and off to tapping Dr. Dale went. It was quite challenging for him to do this but after a couple of hours, he was exhausted. He did ask David to proof read it for him once he was finished. Dr. Dale was smiling.

So he is just a tapping away now.



Lora said...

How about a little tap out to the blogging friends in cyberspace, Dr. Dale!

Deb said...

Glad to hear you have found your voice again! We like Lora's idea of you sending out a hey into the blogosphere.
Love you, Debbie and Jim

Unknown said...

Hey Daddy,

I am sitting in my office eating lunch before scurrying off to class #4 for the day. I decided to check your blog. Glad it is back up. I was enjoying reading what was going on there, but most of all I was enjoying all the sweet notes from friends just reiterating what I already know that YOU ARE THE GREATEST! Hope to see you soon!

Love, Jo

Judy Nakari said...

Well, Sweet Whistler-Tapper, time to take Lora's suggestion and tap out to your friends & family! Glad to read that you-all are getting into a comfortable routine there. And glad to read a comment from Joanna and to know that she evidently is ok after the tornados in Jackson. Our love,
Judy & Ken